Rajvanshi & Associates, a firm of Chartered Accountants, is a 33 years old firm established in 1990 with an objective to provide professional services. The firm has in house facilities since day-one, of Computer Software package on Accounting and Taxation. The Firm started its set up with 2 Partners and now has 12 Partners. The Firm has its Registered Office in Jaipur & offices at Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Chandigarh, Indore, Kota, Chittorgarh, Shri Ganganagar, and Jodhpur. We offer complete solution of professional services including Internal & Statutory Audit of Government & Non-Government Organizations, Concurrent & Statutory Audit of Nationalized Banks, Management & Stock audit , Corporate Law Consultancy, Accounting, Management & Financial Consultancy, Direct and Indirect Taxation Consultancy to various clients, under one roof.
Firm is also a networking partner of M/s Batgach & Affiliates duly approved by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India having networking firms at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, , Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Guwahati, Trivendram & Bengaluru with the strength of more than 100 Chartered Accountants.
The Firm has association arrangements with several leading consultants. The Firm has successfully executed assignments and Consultancy services with such associations arrangements while high quality, excellent coordination and of course, client satisfaction.
The firm also has adequate staff as well as national specialized expert consultants in the respective fields backed up by a highly competent team of professionals, who are available on case to case basis.
Our two main partners of the firm are also have done specialized qualification course of ICAI, India to conduct "Information System Audit" and know "How to conduct Audit in Computerized Environment." and one has done certified course on IFRS ( "Post Qualification Certificate Course" in International Financial Reporting Standards conducted by ICAI, Delhi).
Being a Global Professional Service Institution we provide research based business solutions through a community of high caliber & ethical individuals. We will be leaders through our creativity and vision, our ability to see the unseen opportunities, our abilities to solve unsolved and our ability to anticipate & manage changes.
Each of us takes pride in being part of an institution committed to excellence. We define excellence to be the best at what we do. As a professional organization, we develop and sustain the competence of all our people. The firm is well equipped with all modern amenities to remain updated academically and to dispose professional assignments in the best possible way at the earliest point of time.
Our success depends essentially upon providing our clients with creative solutions to achieve their goals. We listen to and understand our clients' needs and respond by delivering high-quality services. We build client relationship based on trust, respect and mutual understanding. We anticipate our clients' needs and are partners in their progress.
Our challenging tasks and our clients' needs for innovative solutions require that we use a multi-disciplinary approach and work in unison. We realize that the firm's success depends on co-operation, which converts individual efforts and expertise into high performance teams that exceed client expectations. We reward the individual, and celebrate the team.
Our Values
Our Vision
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Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Silchar, Ahmedabad, Surat, Kolkatta, Banglore, Gurugram , Trivendrum and Dubai.
+91 9509 777241
+91 9314568454
+91 9314668454
+91 800340 8545
New Delhi, Mumbai, Indore, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Jaipur and other cities of State of India, Overseas branch at Singapore
For Support
Copyright © Rajvanshi & Associates
Click for Office Policies : R&A Reimbursement Policy
+91 141 2363340/41/42
Rajvanshi & Associates
Regd. Office : H-15 Chitranjan Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur RJ 302001 India
(O) 0141 2363340/41/42
(M) +91 9509777241
+91 9315668454
(F) 0141 4003398
Email : abhinav@rajvanshica.com